More on Gurinder Osan
I am flattered that photographer Gurinder Osan chose to comment on my post. Certainly, as a wire photographer he often has a job to do and it may be that not all of his photos are art, but this makes it all the more impressive and laudable when they are. I note that the Kashmir photo made the New York Times' "2005: The year in pictures" as the lead world photograph. Also, it is worth noting that the Times has recently changed the printing of photographs in its print edition so that the colors are much richer and many pictures are much more impressive.
Hi Steve:
Nice to read your post on Gurinder (Guri to me)! Guri is probably my closest friend and I have always believed that he is a world class artist - and not necessarily because he is my friend :-)
I have finally blogged on him too! And I have linked my blog post with yours.. check out
Personal Blog:
(Drishtikone = Perspective)
Nice Blog!
Steve, Desh, Liz...thanks a lot folks for starting off this string. Gurinder has been one of the finest photojournalist with an eye for the aesthetics that is almost unbelievable, given the conditions of the situations he shoots in.
And when you see his landscapes, or his people work, you know that he is a really classy artist.
I have been editing one of India's leading photography magazines (Better Photography) and I get to see a lot work that is way off photojournalism. And even from this distance, I see that he will always be an artist, no matter what he shoots.
Even if it is a still life of forks (cutlery)... you must ask him to show them to you someday. He has not changed that aspect of his work in more than 15 years...
I know Gurinder (well...Guri) for the last 7 years and worked with him at the AP bureau in Delhi for 4 years. I would call Gurinder 'a complete photographer' - give him any form of assignment or work, he will bring back amazing pictures. Guri has his own distinct style, but is able to tweak and adjust to suit organizational demands. I don't know many photographers who can do that consistently.
I now live in DC and enjoy seeing his work on the AP feed.
I knew Mr Osan too, while I was working for a photo agency as a photo editor. And yes, there are plenty of pictures from him which I have had the opportunity to look at under the loupe :) Truly stunning!
he came to my school ,i met him in person !!!!!!!!
he helped me click pics !!!!!!
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